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SLVUSD Welcomes Summer + Resources for Parents

Dear Parents & Staff,

“It is with grateful hearts that we close the 2019-2020 school year. Many, many, many thanks to every parent who partnered with the SLV Teachers to serve as an instructor and guide to further your child’s education. To the teachers and staff of SLVUSD, there are no words to express the courage and work it took during the COVID-19 school closure to deliver the online education for K-12 students. We will leave this year, committed to continued improvement for both online and in-class instruction. With a focus on learning and a partnership with parents, the SLVUSD staff will take a much-needed break and pronounce that “summer vacation” has officially begun. Virtual hugs to all, until we meet again in August 2020.” – Laurie Bruton

SLV Food for Families

SLV Food for Families is pleased to let everyone know that approximately $50,000.00 dollars has been raised to provide Safeway gift cards to families in need. SLV Food for Families will continue to provide Safeway gift cards on Thursday’s between 9-11 am at the regular meal distribution service as long as there are donations to the account.Please consider donating to help our neighbors and friends in SLV.“Hi all,With the end of the year upon us I just wanted to thank you all for your generous donations. North of $50,000 dollars! We have been able to give out $10,000 a week.I have two stories for you about some of the people we have been helping.The first is a brother and sister who lost their dad suddenly in June of last year. He died of a heart attack. The two siblings have limited assistance from their grandparents. Both kids hold jobs and completed their senior year at SLVHS. Both are strong students, doing well in all their classes, while running a household together. When “Shelter in Place” was instituted, their job hours were reduced. We have been helping them pay rent and also with food assistance. I cannot think of two nicer young people. They are so deserving of a helping hand. They have expressed over and over their thankfulness and appreciation to all who have helped them.The second story I have is a family from SLVE. The mother has been receiving emergency cancer treatments in LA County, while both parents have lost their jobs. Not only are they traveling back and forth to LA for treatments, but they also face bills piling up each week. We have extended our help to this family with food and gas cards. The family has been very grateful for the help we have given.I just wanted to share some of the stories so you can see just where your money is going. The stories are continuing to evolve as SIP continues. So once again, I am asking you to donate to our families if you can.” – Rob Lahey

SLV Rocks for Food

If you missed it, the SLVHS Teacher Band, with the assistance of SLVHS Senior Kayla Penny, performing a song in honor of John Prine.LINK: LISTEN TO IT HERE

Parent Survey

SLVUSD is working with the state of California to determine what the Parent/Guardian experience was like with regards to distance learning since the school closure due to COVID-19. We are hoping that this survey gives our district further insight.Please note the following:

  • Participation in the survey is voluntary.
  • The survey is anonymous. It is designed so that participating parents/guardians cannot be identified from the data.
  • The results are for the use of our district. CDE and WestEd will preserve data confidentiality and refer any data requests to the district.

Information on accessing the survey for each of your schools is provided below.

Recommendations for School Technology

SLVUSD has a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy from 5th grade to 12th grade that encourages families to purchase a Chromebook for their student. Students were asked to bring ChromeBooks to school and to return it home each day to have available for homework. Since the COVID-19 school closures, it has become apparent that laptops and tablets are a vital tool for students of all ages. We are recommending that parents consider purchasing a ChromeBook for students 2nd to 12th grade and/or a tablet or an ipad for students in Kindergarten and first grade. If you are unable to purchase a laptop/tablet, SLVUSD will be checking appropriate devices out to students through our school library for the 2020-21 school year. Since no one knows what the outcome of the COVID-19 health crisis will be and how it will impact the eventual reopening of school, we are preparing for online education to continue in some capacity. The District’s recommendation for a ChromeBook or tablet can be found at the following:BYOD information:

Breakfast/Lunch Service

(Note Change in Pick-Up Days)Starting the month of June and through June 30, 2020, the SLVUSD meal distribution will be changing to Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am – 11:00 am at both locations; BCE and SLVE tri-campus.

School Registration

SLVUSD Annual Registration is currently open and you should have received an email with your student’s snap code and online registration link. We have been made aware that some of these emails have ended up in SPAM or JUNK folders, please check those folders if you have not received your email notification. The annual registration is important. It provides the district with the most accurate and updated information on file when school starts. The annual registration process MUST be completed between now and the end of June to ensure scheduling and class placement for 2020-21.If you have any general questions regarding pre-enrollment or the registration process, please contact your school site Registrar Office. During this time, our staff may be working remotely, please leave a concise and clear message and allow them the time to respond accordingly.

Farmers Market

The Farmers’ Market, ‘Market Match’ campaign, is designed to give families in need a matching token to use for food at various farmers’ markets in Santa Cruz.SANTA CRUZ FARMERS’ MARKET LINKThe website explains more about the EBT system, but here is a quick look at their campaign:In recognition of CalFresh Awareness Month the Westside and Live Oak markets are offering a DOUBLE MATCH program during the month of MAY. The Felton and Scotts Valley markets will observe the DOUBLE MATCH in June once they open. The Downtown SC Market is offering the DOUBLE MATCH ongoing in 2020, or until funds are exhausted, thanks to the City of Santa Cruz! Read on for details.The DOUBLE MATCH program offers two Market Match tokens for every EBT token for the first ten dollars of EBT. Ten dollars of EBT becomes $30 at the farmers markets – $10 of EBT tokens and $20 in Market Match tokens. EBT and Market Match transactions have nearly doubled during this program in past years demonstrating a substantial impact. Thank you to the the County of Santa Cruz for making it possible!

EBT Cards

All SCCFM markets accept EBT, WIC and Senior Nutrition Coupons. Locate the information booth and a market manager can process your EBT card and give you tokens to use at the farmers’ markets. Tokens have a value of $1 and there is no change given. EBT stands for Electronic Benefit Transfer and is the method for distributing CalFresh benefits (formerly known as Food Stamps and currently known federally as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits), California Food Assistance Program benefits, and cash aid benefits.

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